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Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- Tiristoare triace diace
- Tranzistori 2Nxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SAxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SBxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SCxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SDxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SKxxxx
- Tranzistori altii
- Tranzistori BCxxx
- Tranzistori BDW BDX
- Tranzistori BDxxx
- Tranzistori BF BFG BFR
- Tranzistori BUH BUT BUV BUX
- Tranzistori Buxxxx
- Tranzistori BUZ
- Tranzistori IRF
- Tranzistori MJ
Tranzistori si Tiristori
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Componente electronice
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- Quartz-uri filtre convertoare
- Condensatoare poliester 1600V
- Socluri integrate
- Termistori
- Condensatoare electrolitice
- Componente LCD
- Circuite integrate
- Sigurante fuzibile
- Diode si punti redresoare
- Spray-uri tehnice
- Tranzistori si Tiristori
- Relee
- Senzori/leduri infrarosu
- Leduri 3mm 5mm 10mm
- Condensatoare impedanta scazuta low ESR
- Miezuri ferita sarma bobinaj
- Bobine si surse TV
Componente electronice
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- Produse Noi
Casa si gradina
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- Telecomenzi
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- Diverse add remove
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Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- Tiristoare triace diace
- Tranzistori 2Nxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SAxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SBxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SCxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SDxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SKxxxx
- Tranzistori altii
- Tranzistori BCxxx
- Tranzistori BDW BDX
- Tranzistori BDxxx
- Tranzistori BF BFG BFR
- Tranzistori BUH BUT BUV BUX
- Tranzistori Buxxxx
- Tranzistori BUZ
- Tranzistori IRF
- Tranzistori MJ
Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- menu title add remove
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Componente electronice
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- Quartz-uri filtre convertoare
- Condensatoare poliester 1600V
- Socluri integrate
- Termistori
- Condensatoare electrolitice
- Componente LCD
- Circuite integrate
- Sigurante fuzibile
- Diode si punti redresoare
- Spray-uri tehnice
- Tranzistori si Tiristori
- Relee
- Senzori/leduri infrarosu
- Leduri 3mm 5mm 10mm
- Condensatoare impedanta scazuta low ESR
- Miezuri ferita sarma bobinaj
- Bobine si surse TV
Componente electronice
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- Produse Noi
Capacimetru CM-7115A
- Write a review
32,75 zł
Fara TVA
* 3 1/2 digits LCD,Max.reading of 1999
* High accuracy
* Low Battery indication
* Overload protection
* External knob for zero adjustment
* Safety desighed test probe
Display ©x3 1/2 digits LCD with a Max. Reading of 1999
Polarity ©xAutomatic, Positive implied, negative Polarity indication
Over Range ©x(1) or (-1) is displayed
Measurement Rate ©x2 times per sec. nominal
Operating Environment ©x0.C to 50.C at <70% relative humidity
Accuracy ©xStated accuracy at 23©I5.C <75% relative humidity
200pF [©I(0.5%+1dgt+0.5pF)]
2000p/20n/200n/2µ/200µF [©I(0.5%+1dgt)]
2000µF [©I(2%+1dgt)]
20mF [©I(4%+1dgt)]
Dimensions ©x135x72x36mm
Weight ©xApprox. 200g including battery
* High accuracy
* Low Battery indication
* Overload protection
* External knob for zero adjustment
* Safety desighed test probe
Display ©x3 1/2 digits LCD with a Max. Reading of 1999
Polarity ©xAutomatic, Positive implied, negative Polarity indication
Over Range ©x(1) or (-1) is displayed
Measurement Rate ©x2 times per sec. nominal
Operating Environment ©x0.C to 50.C at <70% relative humidity
Accuracy ©xStated accuracy at 23©I5.C <75% relative humidity
200pF [©I(0.5%+1dgt+0.5pF)]
2000p/20n/200n/2µ/200µF [©I(0.5%+1dgt)]
2000µF [©I(2%+1dgt)]
20mF [©I(4%+1dgt)]
Dimensions ©x135x72x36mm
Weight ©xApprox. 200g including battery
87 Produse