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Componente electronice
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- Componente LCD
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- Spray-uri tehnice
- Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- Senzori/leduri infrarosu
- Leduri 3mm 5mm 10mm
- Condensatoare impedanta scazuta low ESR
- Miezuri ferita sarma bobinaj
- Bobine si surse TV
Componente electronice
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Casa si gradina
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Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- Tiristoare triace diace
- Tranzistori 2Nxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SAxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SBxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SCxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SDxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SKxxxx
- Tranzistori altii
- Tranzistori BCxxx
- Tranzistori BDW BDX
- Tranzistori BDxxx
- Tranzistori BF BFG BFR
- Tranzistori BUH BUT BUV BUX
- Tranzistori Buxxxx
- Tranzistori BUZ
- Tranzistori IRF
- Tranzistori MJ
Tranzistori si Tiristori
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Componente electronice
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- Quartz-uri filtre convertoare
- Condensatoare poliester 1600V
- Socluri integrate
- Termistori
- Condensatoare electrolitice
- Componente LCD
- Circuite integrate
- Sigurante fuzibile
- Diode si punti redresoare
- Spray-uri tehnice
- Tranzistori si Tiristori
- Relee
- Senzori/leduri infrarosu
- Leduri 3mm 5mm 10mm
- Condensatoare impedanta scazuta low ESR
- Miezuri ferita sarma bobinaj
- Bobine si surse TV
Componente electronice
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- Produse Noi
Releu solid State 60A trifazic 3860Z
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Solid state relay (SSR) abbreviations electronic non-contact switch, the main characteristics of tiny control input signal, the direct drive high current load. Product is used widely, advantages: long life, non-contact, no spark, no noise, no electromagnetic interference, fast switching speed, strong anti-interference ability, reliable operation, and small size, resistant to vibration, explosion-proof, anti-corrosion, can compatible with TTL, DTL, HTL integrated circuit.
Insufficient at present is mainly the output contact not like contactor which yao, only one group; Over 60 a additional load due to the pressure drop, temperature rise quickly, it is important to note that the cooling, you also can choose special solid heat dissipation
Type:SSR MGR-3 3860Z
Control: DC-controlled AC
Load current: 60A
Load voltage: 380VAC
Control voltage: 3-32VDC
Control current: 10-68MA
Power off time: <= 12ms
Dielectric pressure: 2500VAC
Ambient temperature: -30 ~ 75C
Installation: bolted
Working instructions: LED