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Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- Tiristoare triace diace
- Tranzistori 2Nxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SAxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SBxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SCxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SDxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SKxxxx
- Tranzistori altii
- Tranzistori BCxxx
- Tranzistori BDW BDX
- Tranzistori BDxxx
- Tranzistori BF BFG BFR
- Tranzistori BUH BUT BUV BUX
- Tranzistori Buxxxx
- Tranzistori BUZ
- Tranzistori IRF
- Tranzistori MJ
Tranzistori si Tiristori
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Componente electronice
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- Quartz-uri filtre convertoare
- Condensatoare poliester 1600V
- Socluri integrate
- Termistori
- Condensatoare electrolitice
- Componente LCD
- Circuite integrate
- Sigurante fuzibile
- Diode si punti redresoare
- Spray-uri tehnice
- Tranzistori si Tiristori
- Relee
- Senzori/leduri infrarosu
- Leduri 3mm 5mm 10mm
- Condensatoare impedanta scazuta low ESR
- Miezuri ferita sarma bobinaj
- Bobine si surse TV
Componente electronice
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- Produse Noi
Casa si gradina
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- Diverse add remove
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Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- Tiristoare triace diace
- Tranzistori 2Nxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SAxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SBxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SCxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SDxxxx
- Tranzistori 2SKxxxx
- Tranzistori altii
- Tranzistori BCxxx
- Tranzistori BDW BDX
- Tranzistori BDxxx
- Tranzistori BF BFG BFR
- Tranzistori BUH BUT BUV BUX
- Tranzistori Buxxxx
- Tranzistori BUZ
- Tranzistori IRF
- Tranzistori MJ
Tranzistori si Tiristori
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- menu title add remove
menu title
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Componente electronice
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- Quartz-uri filtre convertoare
- Condensatoare poliester 1600V
- Socluri integrate
- Termistori
- Condensatoare electrolitice
- Componente LCD
- Circuite integrate
- Sigurante fuzibile
- Diode si punti redresoare
- Spray-uri tehnice
- Tranzistori si Tiristori
- Relee
- Senzori/leduri infrarosu
- Leduri 3mm 5mm 10mm
- Condensatoare impedanta scazuta low ESR
- Miezuri ferita sarma bobinaj
- Bobine si surse TV
Componente electronice
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- Produse Noi
Modul dezvoltare Nano ATmega328 V3.1
- Write a review
The Nano V3.1 is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board based on the ATmega328 (Arduino Nano 3.0) or ATmega168 (Arduino Nano 2.x).It have an integrated on-board USB. As the function, It has almost all the analog and digital pins that the UNO or Duemilanove has and the same function as Duemilanove or UNO. As an upgrade version of Arduino Nano, This Nano V3.1 is 100% compatible to Arduino Nano and its shield and IDEs. On the hardware part, remarkable changes are taken to improve the flexibility and user experience.
Power OK red LED, Green (TX), green (RX) and green (L) LED
Upgraded 5V voltage sourcing, more powerful drive capability
Mini-B USB for programming and serial monitor, TX&RX breakout for application as USB-UART convertor
Surface-Mount ICSP header
Standard 2.54mm spacing DIP (breadboard friendly)
Microcontroller: ATmega328
Operating Voltage(logic level): 5V
Input Voltage(recommended): 7-12 V
Input Voltage(limits): 6-20 V
Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins: 8
DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
Flash Memory: 16 KB (ATmega168) or 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 2 KB used by bootloader
SRAM: 1 KB (ATmega168) or 2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM: 512 bytes (ATmega168) or 1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed: 16 MHz
Dimension: 0.73" x 1.70"
The Arduino Nano can be powered via the Mini-B USB connection, 6-20V unregulated external power supply (pin 30), or 5V regulated external
power supply (pin 27). The power source is automatically selected to the highest voltage source. The FTDI FT232RL chip on the Nano is only powered if the board is being powered over USB. As a result, when running on external (non-USB) power, the 3.3V output (which is supplied by the FTDI chip) is not available and the RX and TX LEDs will flicker if digital pins 0 or 1 are high.
The ATmega168 has 16 KB of flash memory for storing code (of which 2
KB is used for the bootloader); the ATmega328 has 32 KB, (also with 2 KB
used for the bootloader). The ATmega168 has 1 KB of SRAM and 512 bytes
of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROM library); the ATmega328 has 2 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM.